ARDUINO MAKES IT AS EASY AS POSSIBLE TO PROGRAM TINY COMPUTERS CALLED MICROCONTROLLERS, WHICH ARE WHAT MAKE OBJECTS INTERACTIVE You are surrounded by dozens of them every day : they are embedded in timers, thermostats, toys, remote controls, microwave ovens, even some toothbrushes. They just do one specific task, and if you hardly notice them – which is ofen the case – it’s because they are doing it well. They have been programmed to sense and control activity using sensors and actuators. Sensors listen to the physical world : They convert energy that you give of when you press butons, or wave your arms, or shout, into electrical signals. Butons and knobs are sensors that you touch with your fingers, but there are many other kinds of sensors. Actuators take action in the physical world. They convert electrical energy back into physical energy, like light and heat and movement. Microcontrollers listen to sensors and talk to actuators: They decide what to do based on a program that ...